Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Flashback - The Easter Bunny

It's OK...I know what your going to say. I've been wondering it for quite sometime.

What crazy person dresses up as a Bunny and then adds pimp clothing to it?

I really have no idea, I would like to presume that it was all a costuming error and that the bunny really had nothing else to wear to the photo shoot. I try to use that one all the time with other photos of myself so we'll give the bunny a break today.

This is my big brother James with me by the way. And if I know anything about the smile on my brothers face... He has his arm around the back side of the bunny and has figured out how it works. While he knows that this alarming large pimp rabbit is just some poor collage guy trying to make a buck, he never tells me. So that innocent smile on my face is pure imagination. I was thinking all along...Do you think that the Easter Bunny and Santa are friends?

Happy Easter!


Tiffani Vanderlinden said...

Sam & Nikki I love are for sure going to have to show me how to do this...can't wait to get some fun vacation pics in ya guys....tiff