Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
A Wild Week
Where to has been quite a week at this household.
The big guy wrecked his pick up truck on the freeway early on Saturday morning. He got called in to plow snow for the county, while en route a guy lost control of his truck and Sam had no chance to miss hitting him head on at about 40 miles per hour.
I almost beat him up when I answered the phone to
"Nikki, first I just want to tell you, I am alright."
I thought to myself, well you are now because I am not with in reach to pound you for waking me up twice on a Saturday morning. First when the phone rang to call you to work and now what? He then continued to explain about the wreck.
Of course when you get in a wreck the first thing you want to do is call off of work...but the big guy didn't get that chance, as all the head bosses at work were out of town. Luck would at least offer him a work truck for the rest of the weekend.
As the snow fell all weekend he never got a chance to hurt from the wreck.
Monday offered all kinds of surprises. As Sam called the insurance and auto body repair shops and car rental places, an old co-worker (Danny)gave him a call.
Danny had a family friend in Las Vegas that is 3 weeks from delivering a baby girl. She knew that she would not be able to keep the baby and was looking for a family that would like to adopt.
Immediately Sam called me at work and we started all the conversations that we had been over time and time we want to adopt?
The girl wanted to come to Utah to have the baby, looking only for the adoptive parents to get her a ride to and from Vegas and never to have to deal with the baby again. From what we were told she had an affair with a married man that wanted nothing to do with the baby and he would not agree to sign adoption papers.
I called the girl as soon as I got the chance. She was not available to chat as she was at her job. So I did the only other thing that I knew would help us make a decision...I called some friends over to have them give us a blessing in making a decision.
We gave it quite a bit of thought, and in the end I think we made the toughest choice ever, we called her and let her know that we just didn't feel like it was the right choice for anyone involved for us to take the baby, even though we have prayed for years for a child. We just hope that this young girl and the baby understand the decision.
Sometimes the holy ghost whispers...and you have to listen very hard, even if the answer is not what you want at the time. I pray for all that are and will be a part of this babies life.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Snow Day!!
Posted by Unknown at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A real treat

Posted by Unknown at 12:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Free is good!

Friday, January 8, 2010
What will they think up next...blogging from a phone. For real!
Posted by Unknown at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Getting it all together
But what is it really that I am looking for? Just that perfect item that conveys how much that someone special really means to me. It has to be in the true spirit of Christmas, yet also be affordable without looking cheap. I really like to find something in the right size so they won't have to worry about returning the item or hurting feelings about sizing them up wrong. It's also nice to find something that won't become a nuisance down the road...even thought puppies are so adorable! You have to consider allergies and storage and time constraints as well as if it will cost the person money down the road that they may not have. Then what about if they just don't like it.
So this year, We have changed strategies and would like to announce that we will be offering our love as a gift to all our friends and family.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Unknown at 10:42 AM 0 comments